
Saturday 20 August 2016

24. Body On

So how to put the body on.....well I think most people get a load of mates around to help...I have a number of issues with this.....

No friends/live miles away from anyone I know and a massive lack of patience!

So I decided to go it alone...Madness? probably but hey ho its the way I roll.

I made a make shift 4 poster ramp to higher the body up and made holes a few inches apart so i could has it up corner by corner bit by bit...hard work but I made it....

I then sorted a few things underneath like the battery cables etc and it was ready to lower.  I decided to invoke some help here as i couldn't lower it right down due to the beams holding it up so this was by hand - only two of us though so front then back.....

The slight fly in the ointment was that I have reaffixed the small section of body that AK remove to get it out of the mould - or so I thought.

So I found out (GEN III chassis only) this part means that the body won't actually fit on the chassis with it in place - and my body will have to come off again to get painted so I left it off.  I think I will put this back on again but move it inwards so that it doesn't clash anymore - at least then I know I can get the body on and off if required..


  1. Hi Paul. I see that you are using standard exhaust manifolds. Were you able to lower the body with the manifolds fitted or did you remove them and re-fit once the body was on......??



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